Kamis, 01 April 2010


Malkhus. Adakah yang ingat nama itu? Itulah nama pegawai Bait Allah yang telinganya dipotong oleh pedang Petrus saat peristiwa penangkapan Yesus di taman Getsemani.
Peter Steele S.J mengungkapkan dengan indah dalam sebuah puisi untuk mengantar kita merenungkan sengsara Tuhan kita Yesus Kritus


Bull at a gate in the garden, Peter's out
With a stubby blade, and slashes in the dark
At the nearest of the looming figures - a lout,
And a slave with it, obedient to the bark

Of the officer bloke, to whom he's a waste of space,
Named though he is for a king. And now it's first
Blood to the partisans of peace in the race
To the hooked wood, the dangling and the thirst.

The stuff that crusted where the severed ear
Had been returned stayed with him through the night
And half of bloody Friday. He could hear
As well as ever, though he made a sight

For his mates to see while he talked about the stroke
And how the man commanded when he spoke

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